Calon guru belajar Bahasa Inggris dari Soal Simulasi (Try Out) Ujian Sekolah - Ujian Madrasah Bahasa Inggris SD/MI Kelas 6 Tahun 2025. Soal latihan ini dapat kita gunakan sebagai simulasi dalam persiapan menghadapi Ujian Sekolah (US) atau Ujian Madrasah (UM) Sekolah Dasar mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
Untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi US (Ujian Sekolah) Bahasa Inggris SD/MI kelas 6 (Enam), kalian sebaiknya meluangkan waktu untuk belajar dan mencoba soal-soal latihan. Kalian juga bisa meminta bantuan guru atau orang tua untuk menjelaskan konsep yang sulit kalian pahami. Untuk bahan latihan, soal-soal di bawah ini bisa menjadi salah satu bahan latihan.
Soal US (Ujian Sekolah) - UM (Ujian Madrasah) Bahasa Inggris SD/MI Kelas 6 Tahun 2025
Soal latihan US (Ujian Sekolah) Bahasa Inggris SD/MI kelas 6 (Enam) berikut ini, silahkan dikerjakan terlebih dahulu secara mandiri sebelum membuka buku atau sumber lain untuk melihat pembahasan soal. Setelah selesai Periksa Jawaban dan jika hasilnya belum memuaskan, pilih Ulangi Tes untuk tes ulang.
Tunjukkan Kemampuan Terbaikmu!
Nama Peserta : | |
Tanggal Tes : | |
Jumlah Soal : | 50 soal |
Bentuk soal pilihan ganda, pilihlah jawaban yang benar di antara pilihan jawaban yang tersedia. Apabila Kamu merasa terdapat lebih dari satu jawaban yang benar, maka pilihlah yang paling benar.
1. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Udin : Hello Minah,
Minah : Hi Udin,
Udin : Where Are you going, Minah?
Minah : I…… "Ondel –ondel In Monas".
2. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Udin.... Bentengan at the school field....
The correct word to complete the sentence are ....
3. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Q : What did Udin do in the class one hour ago?
A : He … how to play Keripik Jengkol game.
4. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Siti will draw a picture of Monas. She will…… a drawing book, color pencil, and eraser.
5. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
What … Minah …. to make a diorama of the house of Betawi?
6. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Thing that Minah use to make a Diorama Betawi House is …
7. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Minah will … her hands back and for a while dancing Ondel – ondel.
8. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Siti … watch Palang Pintu attraction at his teacher’s wedding ceremony.
9. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Q : What is Mamat going to do tonight?
A : He … going to … for dinner.
10. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Today – perform – are – Palang Pintu attraction? – going to
The best arrange of those jumbled words is …
11. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Mamat and minah will get marry after idul fitri holiday. They will use betawi traditional wedding culture. As a bride, mamat will do some steps of Palang Pintu attraction to get woman he loves. The steps of Palang Pintu attraction in Betawi traditional wedding culture are ….
12. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Q : What … you … do this afternoon?
A : I am going to watch Gambang Kromomng performance.
13. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Uci : What is your plan at 7 P.M ?
Udin : I am going to my uncle’s wedding ceremony …..
14. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
I – going to – am – go to – tomorrow – Pasar Asemka.
The correct arrange of those jumbled words is …
15. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Minah will ….. Selendang mayang ice tomorrow.
16. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
my – will - bike – I – ride – Sudirman Street – to. The correct sentence is …
17. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Mamat is going to …..his families in Jakarta.
18. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
His brother will ….. to Japan this month. He will ….. at Tokyo University.
19. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
What will you need to make a Batik?
20. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
you – what – need – will – to make – Kerak Telor - ?
The best arrangement is …
21. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
We …. Use canting, a brush, a kerosin stove, a pan, a tray, fabric, candle and gloves.
22. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Minah : Siti, what are you going to do today?
Siti : I am going to play Galasin this afternoon.
Minah : … will you play it?
Siti : I will play it in Udin’s home.
The correct word to complte the dialog is …
23. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
A : What are we going to do today?
B : We …
The correct answer for the question above is …
24. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Has – Galasin – players – game – 8 – about.
The correct arrange of those jumbled words is …
25. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
I … Monas by a cart yesterday.
26. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
keep – we – to win – during – balanced – the game.
The correct arrange of those jumbled words is …
27. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
A : What did you do this morning?
B : I … a fried rice.
The correct word to complete the dialog above is …
28. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Read the paragraf!
Traditional Martial ArtPencak silat in western writings sometimes spelled "pentjak silat" or phonetically as "penchak silat" is an umbrella term for a class of related Indonesian martial arts. In neighboring countries the term usually refers to professional competitive silat. It is a full-body fighting form incorporating strikes, grappling and throwing in addition to weaponry. Every part of the body is used and subject to attack. Pencak silat was …. not only for physical defense but also for psychological ends.
The correct word to complete the paragraph is …
29. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Read these sentences!The best arrange of those sentences is …
- I do it step by step
- Then, I followed hismovement carefully
- I practiced Jalan jurus 5 and 6 yesterday
- First, he showed one movement.
- My teacher taught me the movement for each Jurus
30. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Mamat : What did you do last night, Udin?
Udin : I … strawberry juice.
The correct word to complete the dialog is …
31. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Siti : I went to GBK stadium to watch soccer math.
Nita : How did you go there?
Siti : I took an MRT there
Nita : How was it in the MRT?
Siti : It .......... comfortable.
32. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
my - friend – enjoyed – with – MRT – last night – I
33. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit, well known as MRT, is a mode of transportation system that provides fast rail transit for commuters in Jakarta.
MRT is .....................
34. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Dinda : Did you go to stadium last Sunday?
Miranda : ...............
35. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Minah : .......?
Jesika : I studied traffic laws last week.
The correct question for the dialog above is ….
36. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
I went to RPTRA Kebon Pala yesterday.
Negative sentence from the sentence above is .................
37. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
In Betawi, when one of our neighbor or a friend has death, Betawi people will do some ceremony before and after funeral such as ...............
38. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
The first is ngelawat or mourn. We make visitig of condolonce. The second is taking care of the death body, means we do bathing and then mating the cors. The third is tahlilan. The fourth is Ngored.
There are ...... ceremony before and after funeral.
39. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Condolences sentence is ......
40. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Mamat : What did you ............. ?
Rudin : I went to Jatinegara.
41. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Maria … to market 2 days ago.
42. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
She bought a t-shirt …
43. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Risna …. sad last night
One day, there was a beautiful woman. Her name was Roro Jonggrang. Her beauty was so famous around the country. Every man wanted to marry her. One of them was Bandung Bondowoso. He was a young man with a supranatural power. Roro Jonggrang agreed to marry with him one condition. He had to built one thousand temples during one night.
44. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Bandung Bondowoso had a .... power.
45. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
.... wanted to marry Roro Jonggrang.
46. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Bandung Bondowoso had to built one thousand temples during .... night.
47. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
Majapahit was a .... long time ago.
48. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
The legend of Malin Kundang is from ...
49. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
The opposite of south is ....
50. Soal US-UM Bahasa Inggris SD
The opposite of small is ....
Catatan Soal Simulasi (Try Out) Ujian Sekolah - Ujian Madrasah Bahasa Inggris SD/MI Kelas 6 Tahun 2025 di atas sifatnya "dokumen hidup" yang senantiasa diperbaiki atau diperbaharui sesuai dengan dinamika kebutuhan dan perubahan zaman. Catatan tambahan dari Anda untuk admin diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas catatan ini 🙏 CMIIW.
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Sebelum kamu mengeluh tentang rasa dari makananmu, pikirkan tentang seseorang yang tidak punya apa pun untuk dimakan.